Static Java Compiler (sjc) is a compiler for a strict “static” (procedural) subset of Java (a compiler for structured programs in Java without objects). This project is used to illustrate various concepts in designing and implementing a translator.
<program> ::= <class-declaration>
<class-declaration> ::= "public" "class" ID "{" <main-method-declaration> <field-or-method-declaration>* "}"
<main-method-declaration> ::= "public" "static" "void" "main" "(" "String" "[" "]" ID ")" "{" <method-body> "}"
<field-or-method-declaration> ::= <field-declaration> | <method-declaration>
<field-declaration> ::= "static" <type> ID ";"
<method-declaration> ::= "static" <return-type> ID "(" <params>? ")" "{" <method-body> "}"
<type> ::= "boolean" | "int"
<return-type> ::= <type> | "void"
<params> ::= <param> ( "," <param> )*
<param> ::= <type> ID
<method-body> ::= <local-declaration>* <statement>*
<local-declaration> ::= <type> ID ";"
<statement> ::= <assign-statement>
| <if-statement>
| <while-statement>
| <invoke-exp-statement>
| <return-statement>
<assign-statement> ::= ID "=" <exp> ";"
<if-statement> ::= "if" "(" <exp> ")" "{" <statement>* "}" ( "else" "{" <statement>* "}" )?
<while-statement> ::= "while" "(" <exp> ")" "{" <statement>* "}"
<invoke-exp-statement> ::= <invoke-exp> ";"
<return-statement> ::= "return" <exp>? ";"
<exp> ::= <literal-exp>
| <unary-exp>
| <paren-exp>
| <binary-exp>
| <invoke-exp>
| <var-ref>
<literal-exp> ::= <boolean-literal> | INT
<boolean-literal> ::= "true" | "false"
<unary-exp> ::= <unary-op> <exp>
<unary-op> ::= "+" | "-" | "!"
<binary-exp> ::= <exp> <binary-op> <exp>
<binary-op> ::= "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" | "%" | ">" | ">=" | "==" | "<" | "⇐" | "!=" | "&&" | "||"
<paren-exp> ::= "(" <exp> ")"
<invoke-exp> ::= ( ID "." )? ID "(" <args>? ")"
<args> ::= <exp> ( "," <exp> )*
<var-ref> ::= ID
ID = ( ‘a’..’z’ | ‘A’..’Z’ | ‘_’ | ‘$’ ) ( ‘a’..’z’ | ‘A’..’Z’ | ‘_’ | ‘0’..’9’ | ‘$’ )*
INT = ‘0’ | (’1’..’9’) (’0’..’9’)*
StaticJava | Eclipse JDT (org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.*) | ASM (org.objectweb.asm.tree.*) | JVM Bytecode |
<program> | CompilationUnit | N/A | N/A |
<class-declaration> | TypeDeclaration | ClassNode | N/A |
<main-method-declaration> | MethodDeclaration | MethodNode | N/A |
<field-declaration> | FieldDeclaration | FieldNode | N/A |
<method-declaration> | MethodDeclaration | MethodNode | N/A |
<type> | Type (PrimitiveType) | N/A | N/A |
<return-type> | PrimitiveType | N/A | N/A |
<param> | SingleVariableDeclaration | N/A | N/A |
<method-body> | Block | N/A | N/A |
<local-declaration> | VariableDeclarationStatement | LocalVariableNode | N/A |
<assign-statement> | ExpressionStatement (Assignment) | VarInsnNode | ISTORE, PUTSTATIC |
<if-statement> | IfStatement | JumpInsnNode | IF_xxx, GOTO |
<while-statement> | WhileStatement | JumpInsnNode | IF_xxx, GOTO |
<invoke-exp-statement> | ExpressionStatement (MethodInvocation) | MethodInsnNode | INVOKESTATIC |
<return-statement> | ReturnStatement | InsnNode | RETURN, IRETURN |
<literal-exp> | BooleanLiteral, NumberLiteral | InsnNode | ICONST_M1, ICONST_0, ICONST_1, ICONST_2, ICONST_3, ICONST_4, ICONST_5, BIPUSH, SIPUSH, LDC |
<unary-exp> | PrefixExpression | IntInsnNode, JumpInsnNode | INEG, IF_EQ |
<binary-exp> | InfixExpression | InsnNode, JumpInsnNode | IADD, ISUB, IMUL, IDIV, IREM, INEG, IF_xxx, GOTO |
<paren-exp> | ParenthesizedExpression | N/A | N/A |
<invoke-exp> | MethodInvocation | MethodInsnNode | INVOKESTATIC |
<var-ref> | SimpleName | VarInsnNode, FieldInsnNode | ILOAD, GETSTATIC |
Miscellaneous: POP, POP2, DUP, DUP_X1, DUP_X2, DUP2, DUP2_X1, DUP2_X2, SWAP
Extended Static Java Compiler (esjc) is a compiler for a strict “static” subset of Java that extends the Static Java compiler by including, for example, heap objects/arrays. This project serves as an individual mini-project for students to demonstrate their understandings of the essential concepts in designing and implementing a translator.
Note: non-terminals with ! are new or modified (wrt. StaticJava concrete syntax)
<program ! > ::= <simple-class-declaration>* <class-declaration> <simple-class-declaration>*
<simple-class-declaration ! > ::= "class" ID "{" <public-field-declaration>* "}"
<public-field-declaration ! > ::= "public" <type> ID ";"
<class-declaration> ::= "public" "class" ID "{" <main-method-declaration> <field-or-method-declaration>* "}"
<main-method-declaration> ::= "public" "static" "void" "main" "(" "String" "[" "]" ID ")" "{" <method-body> "}"
<field-or-method-declaration> ::= <field-declaration> | <method-declaration>
<field-declaration> ::= "static" <type> ID ";"
<method-declaration> ::= "static" <return-type> ID "(" <params>? ")" "{" <method-body> "}"
<type ! > ::= ( <basic-type> | ID ) ( "[" "]" )?
<basic-type> ::= "boolean" | "int"
<return-type> ::= <type> | "void"
<params> ::= <param> ( "," <param> )*
<param> ::= <type> ID
<method-body> ::= <local-declaration>* <statement>*
<local-declaration> ::= <type> ID ";"
<statement ! > ::= <assign-statement>
| <if-statement>
| <while-statement>
| <invoke-exp-statement>
| <return-statement>
| <for-statement>
| <do-while-statement>
| <inc-dec-statement>
<assign-statement> ::= <assign> ";"
<assign> ::= <lhs> "=" <exp>
<lhs ! > ::= ID | <exp> "." ID | <exp> "[" <exp> "]"
<if-statement> ::= "if" "(" <exp> ")" "{" <statement>* "}" ( "else" "{" <statement>* "}" )?
<while-statement> ::= "while" "(" <exp> ")" "{" <statement>* "}"
<invoke-exp-statement> ::= <invoke-exp> ";"
<return-statement> ::= "return" <exp>? ";"
<for-statement ! > ::= "for" "(" <for-inits>? ";" <exp>? ";" <for-updates>? ")" "{" <statement>* "}"
<for-inits ! > ::= <assign> ( "," <assign> )*
<for-updates ! > ::= <inc-dec> ( "," <inc-dec> )*
<inc-dec ! > ::= <lhs> "++" | <lhs> "––"
<do-while-statement ! > ::= "do" "{" <statement>* "}" "while" "(" <exp> ")" ";"
<inc-dec-statement ! > ::= <inc-dec> ";"
<exp ! > ::= <literal-exp>
| <unary-exp>
| <binary-exp>
| <paren-exp>
| <invoke-exp>
| <var-ref>
| <new-exp>
| <array-access-exp>
| <field-access-exp>
| <cond-exp>
<literal-exp ! > ::= <boolean-literal> | INT | "null"
<boolean-literal> ::= "true" | "false"
<unary-exp> ::= <unary-op> <exp>
<unary-op> ::= "+" | "-" | "!" | "~"
<binary-exp> ::= <exp> <binary-op> <exp>
<binary-op> ::= "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" | "%" | ">" | ">=" | "==" | "<" | "<=" | "!=" | "&&" | "||" | "<<" | ">>" | ">>>"
<paren-exp> ::= "(" <exp> ")"
<invoke-exp> ::= ( ID "." )? ID "(" <args>? ")"
<args> ::= <exp> ( "," <exp> )*
<var-ref> ::= ID
<cond-exp> ::= <exp> "?" <exp> ":" <exp>
<new-exp> ::= "new" ID "(" ")"
| "new" ( <basic-type> | ID ) "[" <exp> "]"
| "new" ( <basic-type> | ID ) "[" "]" <array-init>
<array-init> ::= "{" <exp> ( "," <exp> )* "}"
<field-access-exp> ::= <exp> "." ID
<array-access-exp> ::= <exp> "[" <exp> "]"
ID = ( ‘a’..’z’ | ‘A’..’Z’ | ‘_’ | ‘$’ ) ( ‘a’..’z’ | ‘A’..’Z’ | ‘_’ | ‘0’..’9’ | ‘$’ )*
INT = ‘0’ | (’1’..’9’) (’0’..’9’)*